Tuesday, October 25, 2011

2nd Birthday!

Monday we celebrated and gave thanks to God for Zoe's second birthday.

Zoe has continued to learn new things and exhibit a strong will that can only mean that we will need to watch out for those teen years. She has been building her skill set and slowly catching up with her peers. We try not to get caught up with the milestones, knowing that the fact we are moving forward is evidence of God's grace.

Zoe has a passion for music and books and has started to enjoy dolls and puzzles. It is amazing how the little ones learn so quickly and eagerly. Sponge is an excellent description.

We have greatly appreciated the interest that many have taken in Zoe's life the past two years, and the help so many have offered. Throughout, we've tried to hold the theme that "no news is good news". As we reflect over this year and the last, we realized that Zoe's day to day life is quite routine and for the most part "normal". God has blessed us pretty regularly of late with "no news". Thank God for his many blessings! That being said, this will be our last post for Zoe's blog. We are thankful for the prayers, words of encouragement, and support you have all given us, many of you whom we have never met. God bless you and your families as he has ours.

Philip, Kimberly & Zoe Casmer

Thursday, September 8, 2011

September 2011

After a busy weekend of traveling and seeing family we are finally settled at home and getting back into our daily routine.
One item taken care of, Zoe's check up with her neurologist. He was happy to see how well Zoe is progressing and encouraged us to keep up the therapy to help her progress. So a short but wonderful visit.
Zoe continues to change and grow before our eyes. She is quite a talker and loves to figure out how things are put together and taken apart. She is getting to enjoy certain foods more and this allows meals to be more pleasurable for everyone involved. We are happy to see this improvement.
We hope you are all having a great start to the school year.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It has been a long time since we have had an actual update, I have been wanting to wait for Zoe's latest doctor appointment that way we are all on the same page.

Zoe has continued to show improvement in various areas, especially the weight gain. Currently at 23lb and 4oz she is now considered overweight for her 29in frame. Ha, who would have thought we would be at this stage especially since she still does her best geyser impression once a day. So as with any child, Zoe is changing the game and we are making the necessary adjustments to help keep down the food and stimulate the appetite for more solids.

Zoe has also been getting around a lot more often. Though we are not quite walking or standing, she loves crawling and climbing everywhere. She has also been chatting, babbling or whatever you call it non stop. Recent words now include, eggy, pepper, and oval. We have been truly blessed.

God bless you,


Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer Fun

What fun are we going to have at the park?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Swinging Time

Just a quick note before I wake Zoe up from her nap.

Things continue to go well with Zoe. She seems to be keeping her food down more often and her inclination to eat a few bites during a meal is consistent. We continue to pray that the "light bulb" will come on and she will eat more each time.
Zoe is also growing well, though we don't have an official weight, we are definitely over 20lbs. My arms can feel it.
She loves to play and to pet the cat (which she calls "meow") and to swing. We hope the warm weather stays for a while so we can head back outside.

Blessings to you all!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011